Source code for beaker.application

import dataclasses
import inspect
import warnings
from import Callable, Iterator, MutableMapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import (

from algokit_utils import (
from algokit_utils import MethodConfigDict as AlgokitMethodConfigDict
from pyteal import (
from pyteal import CallConfig as PyTealCallConfig

from beaker.build_options import BuildOptions
from beaker.decorators import AuthCallable
from beaker.decorators import authorize as authorize_decorator
from beaker.logic_signature import LogicSignature, LogicSignatureTemplate
from beaker.precompile import (
from beaker.state._aggregate import GlobalStateAggregate, LocalStateAggregate

    from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient

__all__ = [

MethodConfigDict: TypeAlias = dict[OnCompleteActionName, CallConfig | PyTealCallConfig]

T = TypeVar("T")
P = ParamSpec("P")
TState = TypeVar("TState", covariant=True)

BareHandlerFunc = Callable[[], Expr]
HandlerFunc = Callable[..., Expr]

class ABIExternal:
    actions: AlgokitMethodConfigDict
    method: ABIReturnSubroutine
    hints: MethodHints

ABIDecoratorFuncType = Callable[[HandlerFunc], ABIReturnSubroutine]
BareDecoratorFuncType = Callable[[BareHandlerFunc], SubroutineFnWrapper]

DecoratorFuncType: TypeAlias = ABIDecoratorFuncType | BareDecoratorFuncType

@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class BuildContext:
    app: "Application"
    client: "AlgodClient | None"

_ctx: ContextVar[BuildContext] = ContextVar("beaker.build_context")

def _set_ctx(app: "Application", client: "AlgodClient | None") -> Iterator[None]:
    token = _ctx.set(BuildContext(app=app, client=client))

[docs]class Application(Generic[TState]): """A class representing an Application.""" # TODO: more @overload def __init__( self: "Application[None]", name: str, *, descr: str | None = None, build_options: BuildOptions | None = None, ): ... @overload def __init__( self: "Application[TState]", name: str, *, state: TState, descr: str | None = None, build_options: BuildOptions | None = None, ): ...
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, *, state: TState = cast(TState, None), # noqa: B008 descr: str | None = None, build_options: BuildOptions | None = None, ): self._state: TState = state = name self.descr = descr self.build_options = build_options or BuildOptions() self.bare_actions: dict[OnCompleteActionName, OnCompleteAction] = {} self.abi_externals: dict[str, ABIExternal] = {} self._clear_state_method: SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None self._precompiled_lsigs: dict[LogicSignature, PrecompiledLogicSignature] = {} self._precompiled_lsig_templates: dict[ LogicSignatureTemplate, PrecompiledLogicSignatureTemplate ] = {} self._precompiled_apps: dict[Application, PrecompiledApplication] = {} self._local_state = LocalStateAggregate(self._state) self._global_state = GlobalStateAggregate(self._state)
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: warnings.warn( "Subclassing beaker.Application is deprecated, please see the migration guide at: " "", DeprecationWarning, ) @property def state(self) -> TState: return self._state @overload def precompiled(self, value: "Application", /) -> PrecompiledApplication: ... @overload def precompiled(self, value: LogicSignature, /) -> PrecompiledLogicSignature: ... @overload def precompiled( self, value: LogicSignatureTemplate, / ) -> PrecompiledLogicSignatureTemplate: ...
[docs] def precompiled( self, value: "Application | LogicSignature | LogicSignatureTemplate", /, ) -> PrecompiledApplication | PrecompiledLogicSignature | PrecompiledLogicSignatureTemplate: """Precompile an Application or LogicSignature for use in the logic of the application.""" if value is self: raise PrecompileContextError("Attempted to precompile current Application") try: ctx = _ctx.get() except LookupError as err: raise PrecompileContextError( "precompiled must be called within a function used by an Application" ) from err if is not self: raise PrecompileContextError( f'Application.precompiled called for app "{}" inside of a function of app "{}"' ) if ctx.client is None: raise PrecompileContextError( "Precompilation requires use of a client when calling" ) client = ctx.client match value: case Application() as app: return _lazy_setdefault( self._precompiled_apps, app, lambda: PrecompiledApplication(app, client), ) case LogicSignature() as lsig: return _lazy_setdefault( self._precompiled_lsigs, lsig, lambda: PrecompiledLogicSignature(lsig, client), ) case LogicSignatureTemplate() as lsig_template: return _lazy_setdefault( self._precompiled_lsig_templates, lsig_template, lambda: PrecompiledLogicSignatureTemplate(lsig_template, client), ) case _: raise TypeError( f"Expected an Application, LogicSignature, or LogicSignatureTemplate, but got a {type(value)}" )
def _register_abi_external( self, method: ABIReturnSubroutine, *, actions: AlgokitMethodConfigDict, hints: MethodHints, override: bool | None, ) -> None: assert all(cc != CallConfig.NEVER for cc in actions.values()) method_sig = method.method_signature() existing_method = self.abi_externals.get(method_sig) if existing_method is None: if override is True: raise ValueError("override=True, but nothing to override") else: if override is False: raise ValueError( "override=False, but method with matching signature already registered" ) # TODO: should we warn if call config differs? self.deregister_abi_method(existing_method.method) self.abi_externals[method_sig] = ABIExternal( actions=actions, method=method, hints=hints, ) def deregister_abi_method( self, method_signature_or_reference: str | ABIReturnSubroutine, /, ) -> None: if isinstance(method_signature_or_reference, str): sig = method_signature_or_reference else: sig = method_signature_or_reference.method_signature() del self.abi_externals[sig] def _register_bare_external( self, sub: SubroutineFnWrapper, *, actions: AlgokitMethodConfigDict, override: bool | None, ) -> None: assert all(cc != CallConfig.NEVER for cc in actions.values()) for for_action, call_config in actions.items(): existing_action = self.bare_actions.get(for_action) if existing_action is None: if override is True: raise ValueError("override=True, but nothing to override") else: if override is False: raise ValueError( f"override=False, but bare external for {for_action} already exists" ) assert isinstance(existing_action.action, SubroutineFnWrapper) self.deregister_bare_method(existing_action.action) self.bare_actions[for_action] = OnCompleteAction( action=sub, call_config=PyTealCallConfig(call_config.value) ) def deregister_bare_method( self, action_name_or_reference: OnCompleteActionName | Literal["clear_state"] | SubroutineFnWrapper, /, ) -> None: if isinstance(action_name_or_reference, SubroutineFnWrapper): if action_name_or_reference is self._clear_state_method: self._clear_state_method = None else: for k, v in self.bare_actions.items(): if v.action is action_name_or_reference: del self.bare_actions[k] break else: raise LookupError( f'Not a registered bare method: "{}"' ) else: if action_name_or_reference == "clear_state": if self._clear_state_method is None: # not really any reason for this, other than to match behaviour # of other bare actions raise KeyError("No clear_state method defined") self._clear_state_method = None else: del self.bare_actions[action_name_or_reference] # case 1: no-args @overload def external( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def external( self, /, *, method_config: MethodConfig | MethodConfigDict | None = None, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def external( self, /, *, method_config: MethodConfig | MethodConfigDict | None = None, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def external( self, /, *, method_config: MethodConfig | MethodConfigDict, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def external( self, /, *, method_config: MethodConfig | MethodConfigDict | None = None, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool, read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def external( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, method_config: MethodConfig | MethodConfigDict | None = None, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """ Add the method decorated to be handled as an ABI method for the Application Args: fn: The function being wrapped. method_config: A MethodConfig or MethodConfigDict that defines the OnComplete fields that are valid for this method name: Name of ABI method. If not set, name of the python method will be used. Useful for method overriding. authorize: a subroutine with input of ``Txn.sender()`` and output uint64 interpreted as allowed if the output>0. bare: read_only: Mark a method as callable with no fee using dryrun or simulate override: Returns: An ABIReturnSubroutine or SubroutineFnWrapper """ if bare: if method_config is None: raise ValueError("@external(bare=True, ...) requires method_config") if read_only: raise ValueError("read_only=True has no effect on bare methods") actions: AlgokitMethodConfigDict match method_config: case None: actions = {"no_op": CallConfig.CALL} case MethodConfig(): actions = { cast(OnCompleteActionName, key): CallConfig(value.value) for key, value in method_config.__dict__.items() if value.value != CallConfig.NEVER.value } case _: actions = { key: CallConfig(value.value) for key, value in method_config.items() if value.value != CallConfig.NEVER.value } if bare: def bare_decorator(func: BareHandlerFunc) -> SubroutineFnWrapper: if authorize is not None: func = authorize_decorator(authorize)(func) sub = SubroutineFnWrapper(func, return_type=TealType.none, name=name) if sub.subroutine.argument_count(): raise TypeError("Bare methods must take no method arguments") self._register_bare_external( sub, actions=actions, override=override, ) return sub return bare_decorator else: def decorator(func: HandlerFunc) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: if authorize is not None: func = authorize_decorator(authorize)(func) hints = self._capture_method_hints_and_remove_defaults( func, read_only=read_only, actions=actions, ) method = ABIReturnSubroutine(func, overriding_name=name) self._register_abi_external( method, actions=actions, hints=hints, override=override, ) return method if fn is None: return decorator return decorator(fn)
# case 1: no-args @overload def create( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def create( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def create( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def create( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def create( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def create( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application create.""" decorator = self.external( method_config={"no_op": CallConfig.CREATE}, name=name, authorize=authorize, bare=bare, override=override, ) return decorator if fn is None else cast(ABIReturnSubroutine, decorator(fn))
# case 1: no-args @overload def delete( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def delete( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def delete( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def delete( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def delete( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def delete( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application delete. Args: name: The name of the method. If not provided, the name of the method will be used. authorize: A function that will be called to authorize the method. If not provided, the method will not be authorized. bare: If True, the router will only consider the OnComplete of the app call transaction to do routing. override: If True, the method will override any existing method with the same name. """ decorator = self.external( method_config={"delete_application": CallConfig.CALL}, name=name, authorize=authorize, bare=bare, override=override, ) return decorator if fn is None else cast(ABIReturnSubroutine, decorator(fn))
# case 1: no-args @overload def update( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def update( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def update( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def update( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def update( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def update( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application update. Args: name: The name of the method. If not provided, the name of the method will be used. authorize: A function that will be called to authorize the method. If not provided, the method will not be authorized. bare: If True, the router will only consider the OnComplete of the app call transaction to do routing. override: If True, the method will override any existing method with the same name. """ decorator = self.external( method_config={"update_application": CallConfig.CALL}, name=name, authorize=authorize, bare=bare, override=override, ) return decorator if fn is None else cast(ABIReturnSubroutine, decorator(fn))
# case 1: no-args @overload def opt_in( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def opt_in( self, /, *, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def opt_in( self, /, *, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def opt_in( self, /, *, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def opt_in( self, /, *, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def opt_in( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application opt-in. Args: allow_create: If True, the method will be callable even if the application does not exist. name: The name of the method. If not provided, the name of the method will be used. authorize: A function that will be called to authorize the method. If not provided, the method will not be authorized. bare: If True, the router will only consider the OnComplete of the app call transaction to do routing. override: If True, the method will override any existing method with the same name. """ decorator = self.external( method_config={ "opt_in": CallConfig.ALL if allow_create else CallConfig.CALL }, name=name, authorize=authorize, bare=bare, override=override, ) return decorator if fn is None else cast(ABIReturnSubroutine, decorator(fn))
# case 1: no-args @overload def close_out( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def close_out( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def close_out( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def close_out( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def close_out( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def close_out( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application close-out. Args: name: The name of the method. If not provided, the name of the method will be used. authorize: A function that will be called to authorize the method. If not provided, the method will not be authorized. bare: If True, the router will only consider the OnComplete of the app call transaction to do routing. override: If True, the method will override any existing method with the same name. """ decorator = self.external( method_config={"close_out": CallConfig.CALL}, name=name, authorize=authorize, bare=bare, override=override, ) return decorator if fn is None else cast(ABIReturnSubroutine, decorator(fn))
# case 1: no-args @overload def no_op( self, fn: HandlerFunc, /, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine: ... # case 2: bare arg omitted @overload def no_op( self, /, *, allow_call: bool = True, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 3: bare=False @overload def no_op( self, /, *, allow_call: bool = True, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[False], read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 4: bare=True @overload def no_op( self, /, *, allow_call: bool = True, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: Literal[True], override: bool | None = False, ) -> BareDecoratorFuncType: ... # case 5: bare is a variable @overload def no_op( self, /, *, allow_call: bool = True, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool, read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> DecoratorFuncType: ...
[docs] def no_op( self, fn: HandlerFunc | None = None, /, *, allow_call: bool = True, allow_create: bool = False, name: str | None = None, authorize: AuthCallable | SubroutineFnWrapper | None = None, bare: bool = False, read_only: bool = False, override: bool | None = False, ) -> ABIReturnSubroutine | DecoratorFuncType: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application no-op. Args: allow_call: If True, the method will be callable during application no-op after creation. allow_create: If True, the method will be callable during application create. name: The name of the method. If not provided, the name of the method will be used. authorize: A function that will be called to authorize the method. If not provided, the method will not be authorized. bare: If True, the router will only consider the OnComplete of the app call transaction to do routing. override: If True, the method will override any existing method with the same name. """ if allow_call and allow_create: call_config = CallConfig.ALL elif allow_call: call_config = CallConfig.CALL elif allow_create: call_config = CallConfig.CREATE else: raise ValueError("Require one of allow_call or allow_create to be True") decorator = self.external( method_config={"no_op": call_config}, name=name, authorize=authorize, bare=bare, read_only=read_only, override=override, ) return decorator if fn is None else cast(ABIReturnSubroutine, decorator(fn))
@overload def clear_state( self, fn: Callable[[], Expr], /, ) -> SubroutineFnWrapper: ... @overload def clear_state( self, /, *, name: str | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> Callable[[Callable[[], Expr]], SubroutineFnWrapper]: ...
[docs] def clear_state( self, fn: Callable[[], Expr] | None = None, /, *, name: str | None = None, override: bool | None = False, ) -> SubroutineFnWrapper | Callable[[Callable[[], Expr]], SubroutineFnWrapper]: """Mark a method as one that should be callable during application clear-state. Args: name: The name of the method. If not provided, the name of the method will be used. override: If True, the method will override any existing method with the same name. """ def decorator(fun: Callable[[], Expr]) -> SubroutineFnWrapper: sub = SubroutineFnWrapper(fun, TealType.none, name=name) if sub.subroutine.argument_count(): raise TypeError( "clear_state methods cannot fail, so cannot rely on the presence of arguments. " "TODO betterify this message!!" ) if override is True and self._clear_state_method is None: raise ValueError("override=True, but no clear_state defined") elif override is False and self._clear_state_method is not None: raise ValueError("override=False, but clear_state already defined") self._clear_state_method = sub return sub return decorator if fn is None else decorator(fn)
[docs] def apply( self, func: Callable[Concatenate["Application[TState]", P], T], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs, ) -> "Application[TState]": """Apply a ``blueprint`` function to the application Args: func: the blueprint function to apply to the application """ func(self, *args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def build(self, client: "AlgodClient | None" = None) -> ApplicationSpecification: """Build the application specification, including transpiling the application to TEAL, and fully compiling any nested (i.e. precompiled) apps/lsigs to byte code. Note: . Args: client (optional): An Algod client that is required if there are any ``precompiled`` so they can be fully compiled. """ with _set_ctx(app=self, client=client): bare_calls = self._bare_calls() router = Router(, bare_calls=bare_calls, descr=self.descr, clear_state=self._clear_state_method, ) # Add method externals hints: dict[str, MethodHints] = {} for abi_external in self.abi_externals.values(): router.add_method_handler( method_call=abi_external.method, method_config=MethodConfig( **cast( dict[str, PyTealCallConfig], { k: PyTealCallConfig(v.value) for k, v in abi_external.actions.items() }, ) ), ) hints[abi_external.method.method_signature()] = abi_external.hints # Compile approval and clear programs compile_results = router.compile( algod_client=client, version=self.build_options.avm_version, assemble_constants=self.build_options.assemble_constants, optimize=self.build_options.optimize_options, with_sourcemaps=self.build_options.with_sourcemaps, pcs_in_sourcemap=bool(client), annotate_teal=self.build_options.annotate_teal, annotate_teal_headers=self.build_options.annotate_teal_headers, annotate_teal_concise=self.build_options.annotate_teal_concise, ) approval_prog: str = compile_results.approval_teal clear_prog: str = compile_results.clear_teal if compile_results.approval_sourcemap is not None: approval_sm = compile_results.approval_sourcemap if approval_sm.annotated_teal is not None: approval_prog = approval_sm.annotated_teal if compile_results.clear_sourcemap is not None: clear_sm = compile_results.clear_sourcemap if clear_sm.annotated_teal is not None: clear_prog = clear_sm.annotated_teal return ApplicationSpecification( approval_program=approval_prog, clear_program=clear_prog, contract=compile_results.abi_contract, hints=hints, schema={ "global": self._global_state.dictify(), "local": self._local_state.dictify(), }, global_state_schema=self._global_state.schema, local_state_schema=self._local_state.schema, bare_call_config=cast( AlgokitMethodConfigDict, { k: CallConfig(v.call_config.value) for k, v in bare_calls.asdict().items() if v.call_config.value != CallConfig.NEVER.value }, ), )
def _bare_calls(self) -> BareCallActions: # turn self._bare_externals into a pyteal.BareCallActions, # inserting a default create method if one is not found in self._bare_externals # OR in self._abi_externals bare_calls = {str(k): v for k, v in self.bare_actions.items()} # check for a bare method with CallConfig.CREATE or CallConfig.ALL if any(oca.call_config & CallConfig.CREATE for oca in bare_calls.values()): pass # else check for an ABI method with CallConfig.CREATE or CallConfig.ALL elif any( cc & CallConfig.CREATE for ext in self.abi_externals.values() for cc in ext.actions.values() ): pass # else, try and insert an approval-on-create method else: if "no_op" in bare_calls: raise Exception( f"Application {} has no methods that can be invoked to create the contract, " f"but does have a NoOp bare method, so one couldn't be inserted. In order to deploy the contract, " f"either handle CallConfig.CREATE in the no_op bare method, " f"or add an ABI method that handles create." ) bare_calls["no_op"] = OnCompleteAction( action=Approve(), call_config=PyTealCallConfig.CREATE ) return BareCallActions(**bare_calls)
[docs] def initialize_global_state(self) -> Expr: """ Initialize any global state variables declared :return: The Expr to initialize the application state. :rtype: pyteal.Expr """ self._check_context() return self._global_state.initialize()
[docs] def initialize_local_state(self, addr: Expr | None = None) -> Expr: """ Initialize any local state variables declared :param addr: Optional, address of account to initialize state for (defaults to Txn.sender()). :return: The Expr to initialize the account state. :rtype: pyteal.Expr """ self._check_context() return self._local_state.initialize(addr or Txn.sender())
def _check_context(self) -> None: if ctx := _ctx.get(None): # if inside a context (ie when an expression is being evaluated by PyTeal), # raise a warning when attempting to access the state (or related methods) of a different app instance if is not self: warnings.warn( f"Accessing state of Application {} during compilation of Application {}" ) def _capture_method_hints_and_remove_defaults( self, fn: HandlerFunc, *, read_only: bool, actions: AlgokitMethodConfigDict, ) -> MethodHints: from pyteal.ast import abi sig = inspect.signature(fn) params = sig.parameters.copy() hints = MethodHints( read_only=read_only, call_config=cast( AlgokitMethodConfigDict, {k: CallConfig(v.value) for k, v in actions.items()}, ), ) for name, param in params.items(): if param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: # delete the default value from the signature, for PyTeal's benefit params[name] = param.replace(default=inspect.Parameter.empty) if isinstance(param.default, ABIReturnSubroutine): # we need to look up the ABIExternal to resolve to_resolve = self.abi_externals[param.default.method_signature()] else: # note that we don't need to check the type here - if it's invalid, # then _default_argument_from_resolver will raise an appropriate error to_resolve = param.default if isinstance(to_resolve, ABIExternal): if to_resolve not in self.abi_externals.values(): raise ValueError( "Can not use another app's method as a default value" ) # add the default value resolution data to the hints hints.default_arguments[name] = _default_argument_from_resolver( to_resolve ) if inspect.isclass(param.annotation) and issubclass( param.annotation, abi.NamedTuple ): hints.structs[name] = { "name": str(param.annotation.__name__), "elements": [ [name, str(abi.algosdk_from_annotation(typ.__args__[0]))] for name, typ in param.annotation.__annotations__.items() ], } if hints.default_arguments: # Fix function sig/annotations newsig = sig.replace(parameters=list(params.values())) fn.__signature__ = newsig # type: ignore[attr-defined] return hints
def _default_argument_from_resolver( resolver: Expr | ABIExternal | int | bytes | str, ) -> DefaultArgumentDict: from beaker.state.primitive import GlobalStateValue, LocalStateValue match resolver: # Native types case int() | str() | bytes(): return {"source": "constant", "data": resolver} # Expr types case Bytes(): return _default_argument_from_resolver(resolver.byte_str.replace('"', "")) case Int(): return _default_argument_from_resolver(resolver.value) case LocalStateValue() as acct_sv: return { "source": "local-state", "data": acct_sv.str_key(), } case GlobalStateValue() as app_sv: return { "source": "global-state", "data": app_sv.str_key(), } # FunctionType case ABIExternal() as ext: if not ext.hints.read_only: raise ValueError( "Only ABI methods with read_only=True should be used as default arguments to other ABI methods" ) return { "source": "abi-method", "data": ext.method.method_spec().dictify(), } case _: raise TypeError( f"Unexpected type for a default argument to ABI method: {type(resolver)}" ) def this_app() -> Application[TState]: return _ctx.get().app @overload def precompiled(value: Application, /) -> PrecompiledApplication: ... @overload def precompiled(value: LogicSignature, /) -> PrecompiledLogicSignature: ... @overload def precompiled(value: LogicSignatureTemplate, /) -> PrecompiledLogicSignatureTemplate: ... def precompiled( value: Application | LogicSignature | LogicSignatureTemplate, /, ) -> PrecompiledApplication | PrecompiledLogicSignature | PrecompiledLogicSignatureTemplate: try: ctx_app: Application = this_app() except LookupError as err: raise PrecompileContextError( "precompiled must be called within a function used by an Application" ) from err return ctx_app.precompiled(value) def unconditional_create_approval( app: Application, *, initialize_global_state: bool = False, bare: bool = True, ) -> None: """""" @app.create(bare=bare) def create() -> Expr: if initialize_global_state: return app.initialize_global_state() return Approve() def unconditional_opt_in_approval( app: Application, *, initialize_local_state: bool = False, bare: bool = True, ) -> None: @app.opt_in(bare=bare) def opt_in() -> Expr: if initialize_local_state: return app.initialize_local_state() return Approve() TKey = TypeVar("TKey") TValue = TypeVar("TValue") def _lazy_setdefault( m: MutableMapping[TKey, TValue], key: TKey, default_factory: Callable[[], TValue] ) -> TValue: try: return m[key] except KeyError: pass default = default_factory() m[key] = default return default