Source code for beaker.localnet.kmd

import contextlib
from import Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property

from algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer import AccountTransactionSigner
from algosdk.kmd import KMDClient
from algosdk.wallet import Wallet

DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS = "http://localhost:4002"
DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_NAME = "unencrypted-default-wallet"

def get_client() -> KMDClient:
    """creates a new kmd client using the default localnet parameters"""
    return KMDClient(kmd_token=DEFAULT_KMD_TOKEN, kmd_address=DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS)

def get_localnet_default_wallet() -> Wallet:
    """returns the default localnet kmd wallet"""
    return Wallet(

[docs]@dataclass(kw_only=True) class LocalAccount: """LocalAccount is a simple dataclass to hold a localnet account details""" #: The address of a localnet account address: str #: The base64 encoded private key of the account private_key: str #: An AccountTransactionSigner that can be used as a TransactionSigner @cached_property def signer(self) -> AccountTransactionSigner: return AccountTransactionSigner(self.private_key)
def get_accounts( kmd_address: str = DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS, kmd_token: str = DEFAULT_KMD_TOKEN, wallet_name: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_NAME, wallet_password: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD, ) -> list[LocalAccount]: """gets all the accounts in the localnet kmd, defaults to the `unencrypted-default-wallet` created on private networks automatically""" kmd = KMDClient(kmd_token, kmd_address) with wallet_handle_by_name(kmd, wallet_name, wallet_password) as wallet_handle: return [ LocalAccount( address=address, private_key=kmd.export_key(wallet_handle, wallet_password, address), ) for address in kmd.list_keys(wallet_handle) ] def add_account( private_key: str, kmd_address: str = DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS, kmd_token: str = DEFAULT_KMD_TOKEN, wallet_name: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_NAME, wallet_password: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD, ) -> str: """Adds a new account to the localnet kmd""" kmd = KMDClient(kmd_token, kmd_address) with wallet_handle_by_name(kmd, wallet_name, wallet_password) as wallet_handle: return kmd.import_key(wallet_handle, private_key) def delete_account( address: str, kmd_address: str = DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS, kmd_token: str = DEFAULT_KMD_TOKEN, wallet_name: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_NAME, wallet_password: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD, ) -> None: """Deletes an existing account from the localnet kmd""" kmd = KMDClient(kmd_token, kmd_address) with wallet_handle_by_name(kmd, wallet_name, wallet_password) as wallet_handle: kmd.delete_key(wallet_handle, wallet_password, address) @contextlib.contextmanager def wallet_handle_by_name( kmd: KMDClient, wallet_name: str, wallet_password: str ) -> Iterator[str]: wallets = kmd.list_wallets() try: wallet_id = next(iter(w["id"] for w in wallets if w["name"] == wallet_name)) except StopIteration: raise Exception(f"Wallet not found: {wallet_name}") from None wallet_handle = kmd.init_wallet_handle(wallet_id, wallet_password) try: yield wallet_handle finally: kmd.release_wallet_handle(wallet_handle)