Source code for beaker.logic_signature

import inspect
from import Callable

from pyteal import (

from beaker.build_options import BuildOptions

__all__ = [

[docs]class LogicSignature: """ LogicSignature allows the definition of a logic signature program. A LogicSignature may include constants, subroutines, and :ref:TemplateVariables as attributes The `evaluate` method is the entry point to the application and must be overridden in any subclass to call the necessary logic. """
[docs] def __init__( self, expr_or_func: Callable[[], Expr] | Expr, *, build_options: BuildOptions | None = None, ): logic: Expr if callable(expr_or_func): logic = expr_or_func() else: logic = expr_or_func self.program = _lsig_to_teal(logic, build_options=build_options)
[docs]class LogicSignatureTemplate: """ LogicSignature allows the definition of a logic signature program. A LogicSignature may include constants, subroutines, and :ref:TemplateVariables as attributes The `evaluate` method is the entry point to the application and must be overridden in any subclass to call the necessary logic. """
[docs] def __init__( self, expr_or_func: Callable[..., Expr] | Expr, *, runtime_template_variables: dict[str, TealType], build_options: BuildOptions | None = None, ): """initialize the logic signature and identify relevant attributes""" if not runtime_template_variables: raise ValueError( "No runtime template variables supplied - use LogicSignature instead if that was intentional" ) build_options = build_options or BuildOptions() self.runtime_template_variables: dict[str, RuntimeTemplateVariable] = { name: RuntimeTemplateVariable(stack_type=stack_type, name=name) for name, stack_type in runtime_template_variables.items() } logic: Expr if not callable(expr_or_func): logic = expr_or_func else: params = inspect.signature(expr_or_func).parameters # check that the arguments names the function takes # is equal to or a subset of the runtime variable names # - ie, the function should not take any arguments other than ones # we can provide (runtime template variables), but it can omit # some (or all) arguments if it chooses. This is useful to avoid an # "unused variable" warning if the purpose of the template variable # is just to change the logic signature address if not (params.keys() <= runtime_template_variables.keys()): invalid_args = set(params.keys()) - set( runtime_template_variables.keys() ) raise ValueError( f"Logic signature template got unexpected arguments: {', '.join(invalid_args)}." ) forward_args = list(params.keys()) logic = expr_or_func( *[self.runtime_template_variables[name] for name in forward_args] ) self.program = _lsig_to_teal( Seq( *[tv._init_expr() for tv in self.runtime_template_variables.values()], logic, ), build_options, )
def _lsig_to_teal(expr: Expr, build_options: BuildOptions | None) -> str: build_options = build_options or BuildOptions() return compileTeal( expr, mode=Mode.Signature, version=build_options.avm_version, assembleConstants=build_options.assemble_constants, optimize=build_options.optimize_options, )
[docs]class RuntimeTemplateVariable(Expr): """ A Template Variable to be used as an attribute on LogicSignatures that need some hardcoded well defined behavior. If no ``name`` is supplied, the attribute name it was assigned to is used. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stack_type: TealType, name: str): """initialize the TemplateVariable and the scratch var it is stored in""" assert stack_type in [TealType.bytes, TealType.uint64], "Must be bytes or uint" super().__init__() self.stack_type = stack_type self.scratch = ScratchVar(stack_type) = name
@property def token(self) -> str: """returns the name of the template variable that should be present in the output TEAL""" return f"TMPL_{}" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"(TemplateVariable {})" def __teal__(self, options: CompileOptions) -> tuple[TealBlock, TealSimpleBlock]: return self.scratch.load().__teal__(options) def has_return(self) -> bool: """""" return False def type_of(self) -> TealType: """""" return self.stack_type def _init_expr(self) -> Expr: if self.stack_type is TealType.bytes: tmpl = Tmpl.Bytes(self.token) else: tmpl = Tmpl.Int(self.token) return