Source code for beaker.state.primitive

from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from typing import Literal, cast

from pyteal import (
from pyteal.types import require_type

__all__ = [

from beaker.state._abc import (

class StateValue(Expr, StateStorage):
    """Base Class for state values

        stack_type: The type of the state value
            (either TealType.bytes or TealType.uint64)
        key: key to use to store the the value, default is name of class variable
        default: Default value for the state value
        static: Boolean flag to denote that this state value can
            only be set once and not deleted.
        descr: Description of the state value to provide some information to clients

    def __init__(
        stack_type: Literal[TealType.bytes, TealType.uint64],
        key: Expr | str | None = None,
        default: Expr | None = None,
        static: bool = False,  # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
        descr: str | None = None,

        if stack_type not in (TealType.bytes, TealType.uint64):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid stack type: {stack_type}")

        self.stack_type = stack_type
        self.static = static
        self.descr = descr

        if isinstance(key, str):
            key = Bytes(key)
        elif key is not None:
            require_type(key, TealType.bytes)
        self._key = key

        if default is not None:
            require_type(default, self.stack_type)
        self.default = default

    def __set_name__(self, owner: type, name: str) -> None:
        if self._key is None:
            self._key = Bytes(name)

    def key(self) -> Expr:
        if self._key is None:
            raise TealInputError(f"{self} has no key defined")
        return self._key

    def default_value(self) -> Expr:
        if self.default is not None:
            return self.default

        if self.stack_type == TealType.bytes:
            return Bytes("")
            return Int(0)

    # Required methods for `Expr subclass`
    def has_return(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def type_of(self) -> TealType:
        return self.stack_type

    def __teal__(self, options: CompileOptions) -> tuple[TealBlock, TealSimpleBlock]:
        return self.get().__teal__(options)

    def __str__(self) -> str:

    def str_key(self) -> str:
        """returns the string held by the key Bytes object"""
        return cast(Bytes, self.key).byte_str.replace('"', "")

    def increment(self, cnt: Expr = Int(1)) -> Expr:  # noqa: B008
        """helper to increment a counter"""

        return self.set(self.get() + cnt)

    def decrement(self, cnt: Expr = Int(1)) -> Expr:  # noqa: B008
        """helper to decrement a counter"""

        return self.set(self.get() - cnt)

    def set_default(self) -> Expr:
        """sets the default value if one is provided, if
        none provided sets the zero value for its type"""

        return self.set(self.default_value)

    def is_default(self) -> Expr:
        """checks to see if the value set equals the default value"""
        return self.get() == self.default_value

    def num_keys(self) -> int:
        return 1

    def value_type(self) -> Literal[TealType.bytes, TealType.uint64]:
        return self.stack_type

    def app_spec_json(self) -> AppSpecSchemaFragment:
        return AppSpecSchemaFragment(
                "type": self.value_type().name,
                "key": self.str_key(),
                "descr": self.descr or "",

    def set(self, val: Expr) -> Expr:
        """sets the value to the argument passed"""

    def get(self) -> Expr:
        """gets the value stored for this state value"""

    def get_maybe(self) -> MaybeValue:
        """gets a MaybeValue that can be used for existence check"""

    def get_must(self) -> Expr:
        """gets the value stored at the key. if none is stored, Assert out of the program"""

    def get_else(self, val: Expr) -> Expr:
        """gets the value stored at the key. if none is stored, return the value passed"""

    def exists(self) -> Expr:
        """checks if the value is set (to whatever value. Returns Int(1) if value is set, Int(0) otherwise."""

    def delete(self) -> Expr:
        """deletes the key from state, if the value is static it will be a compile time error"""

    def _check_not_static(self) -> None:
        if self.static:
            raise TealInputError(f"StateValue {self} is static")

    def _check_is_int(self) -> None:
        if self.stack_type != TealType.uint64:
            raise TealInputError(f"StateValue {self} is not integer type")

    def _check_match_type(self, val: Expr) -> None:
        require_type(val, self.stack_type)

[docs]class GlobalStateValue(StateValue, GlobalStateStorage): """Allows storage of state values for an application (global state) Attributes: stack_type: The type of the state value (either TealType.bytes or TealType.uint64) key: key to use to store the the value, default is name of class variable default: Default value for the state value static: Boolean flag to denote that this state value can only be set once and not deleted. descr: Description of the state value to provide some information to clients """ def initialize(self) -> Expr | None: if self.static and self.default is None: return None return self.set_default() def __str__(self) -> str: return f"ApplicationStateValue {self._key}"
[docs] def set(self, val: Expr) -> Expr: self._check_match_type(val) if self.static: return Seq( v := App.globalGetEx(Int(0), self.key), Assert(Not(v.hasValue())), App.globalPut(self.key, val), ) return App.globalPut(self.key, val)
[docs] def get(self) -> Expr: return App.globalGet(self.key)
[docs] def get_maybe(self) -> MaybeValue: return App.globalGetEx(Int(0), self.key)
[docs] def get_must(self) -> Expr: return Seq(val := self.get_maybe(), Assert(val.hasValue()), val.value())
[docs] def get_else(self, val: Expr) -> Expr: self._check_match_type(val) return Seq(v := self.get_maybe(), If(v.hasValue(), v.value(), val))
def get_external(self, app_id: Expr) -> MaybeValue: require_type(app_id, TealType.uint64) return App.globalGetEx(app_id, self.key)
[docs] def exists(self) -> Expr: return Seq(val := self.get_maybe(), val.hasValue())
[docs] def delete(self) -> Expr: self._check_not_static() return App.globalDel(self.key)
[docs]class LocalStateValue(StateValue, LocalStateStorage): """Allows storage of keyed values for an account opted into an application (local state) Attributes: stack_type: The type of the state value (either TealType.bytes or TealType.uint64) key: key to use to store the the value, default is name of class variable default: Default value for the state value static: Boolean flag to denote that this state value can only be set once and not deleted. descr: Description of the state value to provide some information to clients """
[docs] def __init__( self, stack_type: Literal[TealType.bytes, TealType.uint64], key: Expr | str | None = None, default: Expr | None = None, static: bool = False, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002 descr: str | None = None, ): super().__init__(stack_type, key, default, static, descr) self._acct: Expr = Txn.sender()
@property def acct(self) -> Expr: if self._acct is None: raise TealInputError(f"{self} has no account defined") return self._acct def initialize(self, acct: Expr) -> Expr | None: if self.static and self.default is None: return None return self[acct].set_default() def __str__(self) -> str: return f"AccountStateValue {self._acct} {self._key}"
[docs] def set(self, val: Expr) -> Expr: self._check_match_type(val) if self.static: return Seq( v := self.get_maybe(), Assert(Not(v.hasValue())), App.localPut(self.acct, self.key, val), ) return App.localPut(self.acct, self.key, val)
[docs] def get(self) -> Expr: return App.localGet(self.acct, self.key)
[docs] def get_maybe(self) -> MaybeValue: return App.localGetEx(self.acct, Int(0), self.key)
[docs] def get_must(self) -> Expr: return Seq(val := self.get_maybe(), Assert(val.hasValue()), val.value())
[docs] def get_else(self, val: Expr) -> Expr: self._check_match_type(val) return Seq(v := self.get_maybe(), If(v.hasValue(), v.value(), val))
def get_external(self, app_id: Expr) -> MaybeValue: require_type(app_id, TealType.uint64) return App.localGetEx(self.acct, app_id, self.key)
[docs] def exists(self) -> Expr: return Seq(val := self.get_maybe(), val.hasValue())
[docs] def delete(self) -> Expr: return App.localDel(self.acct, self.key)
def __getitem__(self, acct: Expr) -> "LocalStateValue": asv = copy(self) asv._acct = acct return asv
def prefix_key_gen(prefix: str) -> SubroutineFnWrapper: @Subroutine(TealType.bytes) def prefix_key_gen(key_seed: Expr) -> Expr: return Concat(Bytes(prefix), key_seed) return prefix_key_gen def identity_key_gen(key_seed: Expr) -> Expr: return key_seed