Application Client =================== .. currentmodule:: beaker.client .. _application_client: The ``ApplicationClient`` provides a convenient way to interact with our ``Application``. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/client/ :lines: 16-19 By passing an ``AlgodClient``, an instance of our ``Application`` and a ``TransactionSigner``, we can easily make calls to our application. .. note:: The ``AlgodClient`` passed to the ``ApplicationClient`` is always one pointing to the localnet in examples. This is not a requirement, it can be connected to any ``Algod`` node and the most common API providers are available in ``beaker.client.api_providers`` If the application does not yet exist, the ``app_id`` argument can be omitted but the first interaction with the ``Application`` should be to ``create`` it. If ``create`` is called, the ``app_id`` will be set for the lifetime of the ``ApplicationClient`` instance. If the application **does** exist, the app_id can be provided directly .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/client/ :lines: 70-76 :emphasize-lines: 6 The primary way to interact with our application is by using the ``call`` method, passing the method we want to call and the arguments it expects as keyword arguments. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/client/ :lines: 31-31 If multiple app calls are required in the same atomic group, the ``ApplicationClient`` also allows composing a group of calls using the ``add_method_call`` method which uses an ``AtomicTransactionComposer`` to build the group. If there are multiple signers, or you want to re-use some suggested parameters, the ``prepare`` method may be called with the different arguments and a copy of the client is returned with the updated parameters. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/client/ :lines: 35-35 :ref:`Full Example ` .. autoclass:: ApplicationClient :members: .. _app_client_example: Full Example ------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/client/